The term "suggested" can be misleading because in many cases, the MSRP is extremely high compared to the actual wholesale cost, opening the market to "deep discounters", who are able to sell products substantially below the MSRP but still make a profit. The discount stores benefit from exorbitant MSRPs because the discount offered increases the perceived value to customers. |
consumer fraudis commonly defined as deceptive business practices that cause consumers to suffer financial or other losses. The victims believe they are participating in a legal and valid business transaction when they are actually being defrauded. Fraud against consumers is often related to false promises or inaccurate claims made to consumers, as well as practices that directly cheat consumers out of their money. |
加拿大的商业法细则不太懂,但应该和美国的差不多。msrp是为了维持商品在一个地区,一般是维持价格稳定和市场平衡。所以msrp可以是建议最高售价和最低售价。没明说的时候一般都是最高售价。销售方确实可以在建议售价的一个范围内自由定价。但是在自由定价的同时必须把msrp明确的标出来,而且在高出mrsp的同时必须给出涨价的理由。否则会认定为无理由涨价同时可能会涉及到消费者欺骗,这两个都属于违法行为,只是轻重不同而已。这些大公司鸡贼就鸡贼在还给了一个discount,导致消费者最终的的付款没有高出msrp。你可以去起诉他们而且很大几率会胜诉,但是拖很长时间不说,而且就算告赢了也只是针对他们乱标价这个行为,你自己是几乎得不到任何补偿的。最多也就是政府给他们一个惩罚性罚款。就算是同行竞争去起诉也是损人不利己而已。 |
主要是你如果不多问,他就一定会坑你 |