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发表于 2019-6-26 06:57:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Become a HostFamily
file://localhost/Users/attilalam/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.pngOur host families are an important partner in A & LRoyal Academy’s Program in Moose Jaw. Due toour smaller, tight knit community we are proud to be able to offer ourinternational students a welcoming home environment while they attend school inour city. Hosting an international student is a wonderful way to learn aboutanother culture and an excellent way to create friendships that last long afterthe student has returned home.
However,before applying to our program we would like interested host families toconsider the following:
What is asuccessful host family?
A family that is welcoming andpatient.
The studentsin our program come from many different countries. For a young high school oryoung ** student to be far away from home and family it can be overwhelming.Our host families must be conscious of this and assist the student inintegrating into the school and community. This may not be easy and willrequire understanding and patience especially while a student is improvingtheir language ability.
We do notaccept hosts who are interested in the homestay fee only. We are notresponsible for providing student placements to assist in meeting the financialobligations of the host family. If this is the only goal of hosting a youngperson in the host home it quickly becomes obvious to the student and removesthe learning and communal environment that should be present in the home.
A family with time.
A host familyis not expected to be beside their student every minute of the day. However,our host families should be interested in sharing their lifestyles and hobbieswith their students and to be able to assist them in a time of need. Moststudents comment that being involved with host family activities was the besttime of their experience in Canada.
A family that is open.
All members ofthe family should discuss their level of openness for having an unrelatedperson from another culture staying with them and the implications that thiswill have on their privacy and “comfort level” in their own home. Activitiesand schedules that you never thought about before may need to be adjusted withthe introduction of a new person to the home.
We invite youto contact the school for more information related to host families andstudents. If you would like to apply to the program, we would be happy toreceive your application. The process is as follows:
1.    Thoroughly read and discuss theinformation relating to be a host family.
2.    Complete, initial and sign the hostfamily application form (contact the school).
3.    Submit the application form by emailor regular mail to the Homestay Coordinator.
4.    The Homestay Coordinator will reviewyour application and depending on the time of year and demand for host familieswill contact you to arrange a home visit.
5.    During the home visit the HomestayCoordinator will discuss hosting students in more detail and will view the hoststudent room and common areas of your home.
6.    All **s (18 years of age and above)in the host home must successfully complete a background check through theirlocal police department.
7.    When all documentation is received youare ready to welcome your first student into your home!
8.    All Homestay parents must be over 25years old.
9.    All homestay parents must be able to communicatein English very well and preference is given to homestay parents whose firstlanguage is English.
The Homestay Coordinator will placestudents based on suitability, availability and location. It is the goal of ourprogram to achieve the best match for our students and host families.
Please contact
Jeff Mathieson, Principal
A & L Royal Academy
52 HighStreet West
MooseJaw, Saskatchewan
CanadaSH6 1S3

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