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发表于 2018-12-19 04:36:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
作为美国总统,唐纳德特朗普有独特的机会为包括气候变化在内的重要环境问题制定政策。在这里,我们将持续记录他的环境决策。 Dakota Access管道将北达科他州的Bakken页岩油区域连接到南部和东部的炼油厂,但由于环境和文化原因引起的相当大的反对,促使奥巴马政府阻止该项目,直到找到管道的替代路线。 Keystone XL项目允许从加拿大的焦油砂向南通过俄克拉荷马州而不是德克萨斯州分配石油。该项目也被奥巴马总统暂停。在他确认的几天后,特朗普总统签署了一份行政命令,为完成两条有争议的管道铺平了道路:Dakota Access Pipeline和Keystone XL。特朗普行政命令的影响尚未确定,因为它仅限于要求加快所有环境审查的语言。然而,白宫明确解释了该命令的意图,作为强制完成这些项目的一种方式。改造后的白宫网站对总统的能源计划进行了总体阐述,其中包括扩大联邦土地上的石油和天然气钻探。特别提到页岩油和气体,表明支持加氢裂化。该声明明确希望削减“繁琐的法规”,并宣布承诺打击清洁能源计划。 2017年1月就职典礼后不久,国家公园管理局,美国农业部和环保局都下令停止所有公共通讯。 EPA管理员被要求从他们的网站上删除有关气候变化的网页,但订单在一天之后被撤销。同样,该机构被短暂下令冻结39亿美元的赠款。 Scott Pruitt,被提名为环境保护局(EPA)的管理员。关于气候变化,普鲁特先生写道:“这场辩论远未解决。科学家们继续不同意全球变暖的程度和程度及其与人类行为的联系。“作为俄克拉荷马州的司法部长,普鲁特先生与其他州一起起诉美国环保署,以阻止清洁能源计划并暂停水星和空气有毒物质标准。化石燃料能源部门一直是Scott Pruitt的选举竞选活动的热心支持者。
Ryan Zinke,被提名为内政部长。很难夸大美国内政部在管理我们的自然资源方面所起的作用。由该部秘书监督的联邦机构包括农业部(其本身拥有美国林务局),国家公园管理局,鱼类和野生动物管理局,荒地火灾办公室,土地管理局以及地理调查。该国的大片地区是由内政部管理的联邦土地,因此秘书制定的政策可能会影响到许多利益相关者。来自蒙大拿州的美国代表Ryan Zinke的秘书提名人拥有地质学学位,他的投票记录显示了对包括煤和天然气在内的化石燃料能源产业的普遍支持。然而,作为蒙大拿州参议员,他鼓励开发清洁能源解决方案以遏制气候变化。 Zinke是一名猎人和垂钓者,并表示明确支持将公共土地置于联邦控制之下。最近对公共土地向各州的转移进行了大量讨论,特别是在2016年对Malheur国家野生动物保护区进行武装占领之后。在接受国家公共评论记者采访时,特朗普过渡小组成员表示,EPA的研究结果将是必须由政府进行审查才能公开,这是一种不寻常的措施,可能会有抑制或改变重要科学发现的风险。特朗普为填补他的内阁做出的选择是重要的信号,可用于推断某些非常具体的环境问题的可能立场。里克佩里被提名为能源部长。在他的确认听证会上,他表示气候变化的某些部分是由于人类活动造成的,但不会讨论它的贡献。相反,他认为这个问题是在解决气候变化与不损害经济增长,能源负担能力或就业机会之间找到适当平衡的问题。他拥有德克萨斯州州长的追求化石燃料和可再生能源项目的记录,他熟悉他家乡的碳捕获和储存工作。在听证会期间,他表示他计划处理高级核废料储存问题。


As President of the United States, Donald Trump has unique opportunities to shape policy for important environmental issues, including climate change. Here we will keep an ongoing record of his environmental decisions. The Dakota Access pipeline would connect the Bakken shale oil region in North Dakota to refineries south and east, but considerable opposition due to environmental and cultural reasons had prompted the Obama administration to block the project until an alternative route for the pipe was found. The Keystone XL project would allow the distribution of oil from Canada’s tar sands south through Oklahoma than Texas. The project had also been suspended by President Obama. A few days after his confirmation, President Trump signed an executive order paving the way for the completion of two controversial pipelines: the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL. The effects of Trump’s executive order have yet to be determined, as it is limited to language requesting that all environmental reviews be expedited. However, the intent of the order was clearly explained by the White House as a way to force completion of these projects. The revamped White House website provides a general articulation of the President’s energy plan, which includes expanding drilling for oil and gas on federal lands. Shale oil and gas is specifically mentioned, indicating support for hydrofracking. In an expressed desire to cut back on “burdensome regulations”, the statement announces a commitment to striking down the Clean Power Plan. Shortly after the inauguration in January 2017, the National Park Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the EPA were all ordered to stop all public communications. EPA administrators were ordered to remove from their website the pages on climate change, but the order was rescinded a day later. Similarly, the agency was briefly ordered to freeze $3.9 billion in grants. Scott Pruitt, nominated as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). About climate change, Mr. Pruitt wrote “That debate is far from settled. Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind.” As Oklahoma’s attorney general, Mr. Pruitt joined other states in suing the EPA to block the Clean Power Plan and to suspend the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards. The fossil fuel energy sector has been an enthusiastic backer of Scott Pruitt’s attorney general election campaigns.
Ryan Zinke, nominated as Secretary of the Interior. It would be difficult to overstate the role the U.S. Department of the Interior plays in managing our natural resources. The federal agencies overseen by the Secretary of the Department include the Department of Agriculture (which itself holds the U.S. Forest Service), the National Park Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Office of Wildland Fire, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Geological Survey. Vast swaths of the country are federal lands managed by the Department of the Interior, so the policies established by the Secretary can affect a lot of stakeholders. Secretary nominee Ryan Zinke, a U.S. Representative from Montana, has a degree in geology, and his voting record shows general support for the fossil fuel energy industry, including coal and gas. However, as a Montana state senator, he has encouraged the development of clean energy solutions to curb climate change. Zinke is a hunter and angler and expressed clear support for keeping public lands under federal control. The transfer of public lands to st


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