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发表于 2019-2-13 10:15:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

It’s uncomfortable talking about sex with your children. It’s not easy. For most parents, “bird and bee” conversation is what they fear. However, take some time to think about what your child will learn if he doesn’t receive your letter. With AIDS, STDs, pregnancy, and all the traps of the sex world, it is important to educate adolescents about sex, not just about abstinence. Most Christian teenagers may have heard that they need to abstain from sex because the Bible tells them. Is that enough? Statistics tell us what Christian parents should do? The Bible is not condemning. In fact, Solomon’s song tells us that sex is good. However, when we decide to have sex, that’s the problem. It’s okay to be nervous about talking, but don’t be so nervous that your child thinks sex is a bad thing. No, so take a deep breath. When talking about sex, if you think your child is not living in the information age, your topic will become outdated and lose its advantage. Know that your child may be exposed to a lot of sexual information every day. There are advertisements on the internet. Sex is the cover of almost every magazine in the store. Boys and girls in school probably talk about it a lot. Look around before you and your child sit down. Your child may not be sheltered as you think. Avoid talking about sex in a way that assumes your child hasn’t done anything. Although every parent wants his or her child to never think about sex, kiss someone else, or go any further, that may not be the case, which may bore your teenager. Your beliefs are important. Your children need to listen to your ideas, not others. Before you sit down with a teenager, think carefully about what you think about sex, so that you know what’s important to you. Before sitting down with your child, read the Bible and do some research, because it’s also important to know what God wants to say on this issue. Knowing how you define and what you think is too much. You may be asked. Many Christian parents are not perfect, and many do not wait for marriage to have sex. Some people have experienced some sexual trauma, while others have many sexual partners. Don’t hide who you are thinking. If you tell them the truth, your children will not respect your opinion. If you have had sex, explain why you know it’s best to wait. If you are pregnant before you get married, explain why this means that you understand the importance of abstinence and safe sex. Your experience is more valuable than you think.


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