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[女人社群] 【女性社群.大家学英语】 【Day61 ~ Day90】









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发表于 2015-8-6 22:13:22 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 温尼伯女性社群 于 2015-8-28 10:01 编辑

【Day 61】Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.

【Day 62】See the people you want to see and do things you'd like to do when the sunshine is gentle, the breeze is cool and you are young.

【Day 63】Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

【Day 64】Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey.

【Day 65】Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

【Day 66】Yesterday is an invalid cheque. Tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have.

【Day 67】Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Once you cease dreaming, soon you will also lose your energy and be back to mediocrity.

【Day 68】今天跟大家分享一首歌曲,歌名叫What makes you beautiful.

What makes you beautiful
                       ——One Direction乐队

You're insecure, Don't know what for.
妳是危險人物 不知道為什麼
You're turning heads when you walk through the door.
Don't need make-up, To cover up.
Being the way that you are is enough.
Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else.
寶貝妳點亮了我的世界 這從來沒有發生在我身上
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell.
但當妳微笑時 妳的美麗不難形容
You don't know, Oh oh!
妳不知道 喔 喔
You don't know you're beautiful.
If only you saw what I can see.
You'll understand why I want you so desperately.
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe.
You don't know, Oh oh!
妳不知道 喔 喔
You don't know you're beautiful, Oh oh,
妳不知道妳如此美麗 喔 喔
That's what makes you beautiful
So c-come on, You got it wrong,
所以來吧! 妳做錯了
To prove I'm right, I put it in a song.
來證明我是對的 我把它寫進了歌裡
I don't know why, You're being shy.
我不知道為什麼 妳變的害羞
And turn away when I look into your eyes.
Everyone else in the room can see it.
Everyone else but you.

【Day 69】今天跟大家分享的这首加拿大民谣叫做Red river valley, 中文版叫做红河谷。

Red River Valley红河谷

From this valley they say you are leaving
We shall miss your bright eyes and sweet smile我们会想念你明亮的眼睛和甜美的笑容
For you take with you all of the sunshine
That has brightened our pathway a while
Then come sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy that's loved you so true
For a long time, my darlin', I've waited
For the sweet words you never would say
Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish,
For they say that you're going away
Then come sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
Just remember the Red River Valley
And the cowboy that's loved you so true
Do you think of the valley you're leaving,
Oh how lonely and drear it will be,
Do you think of he kind hearts you're breaking,
And the pain you are causing to me.
Come and sit by my side if you love me,
Do not hasten to bid me adieu,
Just remember the Red River Valley,
And the cowboy who loved you so true.

【Day 70】今天跟大家分享两个表达good luck的短语。第一个是break a leg,第二个是finger crossed.
例句:1. Break a leg in your test today.  
           2. I 'll keep my finger crossed for you.

【Day 71】今天继续跟大家分享两个idioms.
第一个是a piece of cake.
第二个是 a hot potato.
例句: 1. Skiing is just a piece of cake for me.
         2. To lay off the employees is a hot potato for the company.

【Day 72 】生活篇- 理财1
1. A: What is RRSP?
2. B: It is registered retirement savings plan.  
3. A: What does it do?
4. B: It can help people to reduce taxable income.
1. 什么是RRSP?
2. 这个是注册退休理财计划。
3. 这是干嘛用的?
4. 它可以帮助大家减税。
理财小贴士: 每个人最多可以存去年收入的18%到自己的RRSP账户或者Spousal RRSP账户。

【Day 73】生活篇- 理财2
1. A: How does RRSP work?
2. B: When you contribute money to an RRSP, you can deduct that contribution from taxable income.
3. A: Will I ever get taxed on that money?
4. B: Yes.  When you make a withdrawal from RRSP.  
5 A: The income tax are said to be deferred.
1. RRSP 怎么用?
3. 那这些钱以后交税么?
4. 当你把这些钱从RRSP取出来的时候会才会交税。
5. 这是一种延税的方法。
理财小贴士: 每年没有用的RRSP空间可以增加到下一年。

【Day 74】生活篇- 理财3
1. A: What is TFSA?
2. B: It is Tax Free Saving account.
3. A: What does it do?
4. B: It is a great savings tool, all the return in TFSA is tax exempt.
1. 什么是TFSA?
2. 这个是免税账户。
3. 它有什么用呢?
4. 它是一个很好的储蓄工具。里面所有的收益都不用交税的。

【Day 75】生活篇- 理财4
1. A: When can I withdraw money from TFSA?
2. B: You can take money out at anytime.
3. A: Is there any consequence if I take money out?
4. B: No. However, you can't contribute until the next year for the amount you take out.
1. 我什么时候能从TFSA取钱?
2. 什么时候都可以。
3. 那我取钱出来有什么影响/后果不?
4. 没有。但是你明年才能把这些钱重新投入免税账户。
理财小贴士: 免税账户可以做任何投资,储蓄,基金,股票,信托基金等。

【Day 76】生活篇- 理财5
1. A: What's OAS?
2. B: It's old age security.
3. A: What does it do?
4. B: It's a pension for people who are 65+.
1. 什么是OAS?
2. 养老金。
3. 这个是干嘛用的?
4. 65岁及以上居民可以领取养老金。
理财小贴士: 18岁以后在加拿大住满10年,65岁就可以领取养老金了。

【Day 77】生活篇- 理财6
1. Who is the supporter of Old Age Security?
2. B: The OAS program is the government of Canada's largest pension program.
3. A: How often do I get paid?
4. B: The payment is monthly.
1. 老年保障金是谁支持的项目?
2. 老年保障金是加拿大政府最大的养老金项目。
3. 多久发一次钱?
4. 没月一发。

【Day 78】生活篇- 理财7
1. A: What is RESP?
2. B: It is Registered Education Savings Plan.
3. A: What does it do?
4. B: It helps people to save for their children's education.
1. 什么是RESP?
2. 注册教育储蓄计划
3. 这个是干嘛用的?
4. 帮助小孩儿储蓄教育基金。
理财小贴士: 放入教育基金的钱是税后的钱。它没有免税的作用。

【Day 79】生活篇- 理财8
1. A: When can I withdraw the funds from RRSP?
2. B: You can withdraw funds from the plan at anytime.
3. A: What's the consequences of early withdraw?
4. B: Withdrawals are subject to a withholding tax.
1. 我什么时候能从RRSP取钱?
2. 什么时候都可以。
3. 早取有什么后果么?
4. 早取会扣一些税。
理财小贴士: RRSP最晚交到71岁,72岁开始就会转化成RRIF。

【Day 80】生活篇- 理财9
1. A: What is a will?
2. B: Will is legal declaration of how a person wants his or her assets to be distributed upon death.
3. A: Why do we need a will?
4. B: If a person dies without a will, his or her estate asset will be distributed according to provincial intestacy laws.
1. 什么是遗嘱?
2. 遗嘱是一份法律文件告诉后人自己想如何分配遗产。
3. 为什么需要遗嘱?
4. 如果没有遗嘱的个人离世,所有遗产会根据当地法律来处理及分配。
小贴士: 一般遗嘱都是由律师帮助撰写的。

【Day 81】生活篇- 点菜
A. How are you this evening?
B. Very well thank you.
A. What can I get for you tonight?
B. A beef sirloin with mixed greens on the side please.
A. Certainly. How would you like your steak done?
B. Medium rare please.
A. Absolutely. Be right up.
A. 晚上好?
B. 很好,谢谢。
A. 可以帮您点些什么?
B. 请给我一份牛排和蔬菜。
A. 当然可以。您喜欢您的牛排几分熟呢?
B. 请做三分熟。
A. 没问题。很快上

近生牛排    (Blue)
三分熟牛排(medium rare)
七分熟牛排(medium well)
全熟牛排   (well done)
在这里 mixed greens 是指混合的蔬菜。也可以说mixed veggies.

【Day 82】生活篇- 早餐
A. Good morning. Can I Start you off with coffee or tea?
B. Coffee is good. I take it black.
A. Certainly.
B. What is in your classic breakfast?
A. Two eggs and sausage with your choice of toast.
B. Ok I'll have your classic breakfast please. With two eggs sunny side up。
A. For sure. What kind of toast would you like? White, Rye or whole wheat?
B. Whole wheat please.
A. 早上好,先给您倒杯咖啡还是茶?
B. 咖啡就好,我喝黑的。
A. 好的。
B. 你们的经典早餐里面都包括什么?
A. 两个鸡蛋,香肠和自选吐司。
B. 好,请给我一份你们的经典早餐。要两个只煎一面的荷包蛋。
A. 好的。您想要什么样的吐司?是白的,燕麦,还是全麦?
B. 请给我全麦。

toast n.吐司
white toast 白吐司
whole wheat toast 全麦吐司
rye toast 燕麦吐司

注:Scrambled 炒蛋(就是全熟)
Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋 (因为荷包蛋像太阳,所以老外用 sunny side 来形容)
Over easy 两面都煎
Soft boil 和 Hard boil 白煮蛋。这两种在汉语中是“嫩”、“老”之分。

【Day 83】生活篇- 化妆品
A. Can I help you find anything?
B. Yes,my face feels really dry these days. What would you recommend?
A. I see, when the weather gets colder a good moisturizer is important. I recommend this one because it also has SPF 15.
B. Perfect! I'll take that one.
A. Certainly, I have three different kinds here. They are for oily, dry, and normal to combination skin.
B. I'll take the normal to combination skin. Thank you for your help.
A. 我可以帮您寻找所需用品吗?
B. 是的。我的脸部最近觉得很干。有什么好介绍吗?
A. 我明白。 当天气变冷,有一个好的润肤霜很重要!
B. 很好! 我就要这个。
A. 好的。我这有三种,分别是个油性,干性,正常到混合性皮肤的。
B. 我要正常到混合性皮肤的。感谢你的帮助。

Moisturizer 润肤霜
Recommend 推荐
normal to combination 正常到混合

注:SPF 是Sun Protection Factor 的缩写。

【Day 84】生活篇- 购物
A. Could you check if I have any points to redeem?
B. Absolutely. You do have 100 dollars worth of points,would you like to redeem them today?
A. Yes. I would like to use those points to pay for these items.
B. Certainly.
A. 可以帮我查看一下我是否可以兑换积分?
B. 没问题。您有一百元的兑换积分。您想要今天兑换吗?
A. 是的。我想用那些积分来付这些物件。
B. 好的。

redeem 兑换

Scotiabank debit(储蓄卡) 和 credit(信用卡)可以积累 scene points (免费电影)
RBC 有和 Shoppers 合作的 MasterCard (万事达卡)可以积累 Shoppers points.
TD 的 Aeroplan VISA Infinity
另外各大商店,例如,Hudson's Bay 和 Sears 也都有自己的银行卡可以积分。

【Day 85】生活篇-过敏
A. Man, are you ok? You don't look so well..
B. Yeah my nose is plugged,my eyes are watering, and I can't stop sneezing!
A. It sounds like you have bad allergies.
You should go to a pharmacy, they should be able to help.
A. 天那,你还好吗?你看上去不是很好。
B. 是啊。。。我有鼻塞,流眼泪,还打喷嚏。
A. 听起来你像是有过敏症。你应该去药房,药剂师应该能帮到你。


allergy 过敏症
Pharmacy 药房

【Day 86】生活篇-看医生
A. How are you feeling?
B. I Don't feel good. I have a stomachache and a headache.
A. Do you have a fever ?
B. I don't think so
A. Dose your throat hurt too?
B. Yes. It's sore.
A. I think you have a virus. It might be the flu. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine.
B. Thank you.
A. 你觉得还好吗?
B. 不是很好。 我有胃疼和头痛。
A. 发烧吗?
B. 不发烧。
A. 喉咙痛吗?
B. 嗯,疼。
B. 谢谢。

stomach 胃 +ache 痛=stomachache 胃疼
Head 头 + ache 痛=headache 头痛
Prescription 药方;处方
Medicine 药

【Day 87】生活篇-撞车
A. Are you OK?
B. Yeah. I got into an car accident this morning.
A. Were you hurt? What happened?
B. I wasn't paying attention and I hit a car that stopped in front of me. I'm ok now, but my neck is still sore.
A. Do you want me to drive you home?
B. No. I need to go get my car fixed this afternoon. Thanks for offering.
A. 你还好吗?
B. 嗯。我今早撞车了。
A. 你受伤了吗?怎么回事?
B.  我没注意就撞上了停在我前面的车。 我想在没事了,只是脖子还有些痛。
A. 你需要我送你回家吗个?
B. 不了。我今天下午需要去修车。感谢你的好意。

Accident: 意外
Attention: 注意

【Day 88】生活篇-打车
A. Hello Miss, where would you like to go?
B. The Downtown Inn
A. Is this your first time in Winnipeg?
B. No. I've been here many times. Do you know how long it'll take?
A. It shouldn't take long. Probably about 15 minutes.
B. Wow, it looks like the traffic is really bad.
A. Yeah, there might be an accident up ahead.
B. Ok, then stop at the next intersection. I'm gonna get out there and take the subway.

A. 小姐你好,你要去哪里呢?
B. 市中心旅馆。
A. 这是您第一次来溫尼伯吗?
B. 不是的。我来过很多次了。你知道要多久才到吗?
A. 应该不会太久。 大概15分钟。
B. 哎呀,看起来车交通堵塞的很厉害。
A. 是啊,前面有可能撞车了。
B. 好吧,那就在下一个十字路口停下。我在那里下车去坐地铁。

Inn: 小旅馆;小客栈
Probably: 大概;或许;很可能
Traffic: 交通

【Day 89】俗语 与 短句
Idioms and Phrases

1) Bored to death 无聊至极(至死)
A. Hey Sam. What are you doing?
B. I'm reading a book. What are you doing?
A. I'm bored to death. Let's do something.
A. Sam. 你在做什麽?
B. 我在看书。你在做什么?
A. 我快无聊死了。我们一起做点什么吧。

2) Couch Potato 懒人
A. Do you wanna play ball with me?
B. No. I'm going to watch TV today.
A. You better stop being a couch potato.
A. 你想和我去打球吗?
B. 不。我今天要看电视。
A. 你最好停止做个懒人。

3) You've got to be kidding.
A. Hey, Mom said you shouldn't stay out too late.
B. You've got to be kidding me. I'm 30 years old!
A. 喂,妈说你不要在外面呆太晚。
B. 你跟我开玩笑吧。我都已经30岁了!

【Day 90】俗语 与 短句
Idioms and phrases

1)Sick and Tired 厌烦
A. Are you getting a burger for lunch?
B. No. I eat that almost everyday. I'm getting sick and tired of them
A. Let's go eat teriyaki then.
A. 你今天中午吃汉堡吗?
B. 不,我天天吃那个,都吃烦了。
A. 我们去吃teriyaki吧。

2) Call it a day 到此为止;收工
A. How much more work do we have tonight?
B. I think we finished everything for the day.
A. Good. Let's call it a day.
A. 我们今晚还有多少工作?
B. 我觉得我们已经把今天的工作完成了。
A. 好。 我们收工。

3) Get on one's nerves
A. He doesn't like his present.
B. He's starting to get on my nerves. It's one thing to not like it, but it's another to complain about it. We tried our best to get him a good present.
A. Yeah it's bothering me too.
A. 他不喜欢他的礼物。
B. 他开始让我很烦。不喜欢就算了,还要抱怨。我们已经尽力给他好的礼物。
A. 是啊。我也很烦。


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